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  1. äåøãú äãéøåâ ùì îãéðú éùøàì ìà ðâøîä áâìì øîú äáèéçåú ùì ùãåú äúàåôä àå çáøåú äúòåôä äéùøàìé. äòøåú äøùåú äàîøé÷àéú ùäáéàå ìäåøãú äãéøåâ äï äòøåú òì øùåú äúòåôä äéùøàìéú ëìåîø çåñø áîðâðåðé á÷øä çåñø áîô÷çéí, àé áéöåò áé÷åøåú áæîï åëå'. äåøãú äãéøåâ ùì çáøú úòåôä âåøøú àéñåø ùì ðçéúä áùãåú áàøöåú äáøéú åäåøãä ùì ãéøåâ ùì ùãä âåøøú ñâéøä ùì äùãä ìðçéúåú ùì çáøåú àîøé÷àéåú. ìùí òåã ìà äâòðå. îùîòåú äåøãú äãéøåâ äéà ùäøùåú äàîøé÷àéú àéðä ñåîëú òì øùåú äúòåôä äéùøàìé åîáöòú ôé÷åç òöîàé òì çáøåú äúòåôä ùì àåúä îãéðä. ëìåîø àðå ôåâùéí ô÷çéí ùì äøùåéåú äàîøé÷àéåú åäàéøåôàéåú ëîòú áëì èéñä. äáãé÷åú äøáä éåúø ÷ôãðéåú åäòåðùéí áøáä éåúø ÷ùéí. áðåñó ìëê ëì äñëîé äùéúåó îúáèìéí, ìà ðéúï ìäåñéó èéñåú àå ìôúåç ÷åéí çãùéí. åàí úñôåø àú ëîåú äèéñåú ìöôåï àîøé÷ä åäñëîé äùéúåó ùì éùøàéø, àø÷éò àå àô.àð.àé. úáéï îéã ìîä àìòì äéà äðôâòú äøàùéú. äåøãú äãéøåâ áî÷øä ùì éùøàì ìà îøàä ãáø òì øîú äáèéçåú ùì ðúá"â àå òåáãä àìä àì øùåú úòåôä ùàéðä îúô÷ãú.
  2. Hi, Can anyone direct me to where I can find sector files for BIRD, BGGL and ENOB ? Thanks Erez
  3. Many thanks ! Erez
  4. Hi, Sorry to bother you again with this Q, but I could not find it on the PSS site. Do you have a link ? Thanks Erez
  5. Hi, thanks for the help, I'll contact NAVDATA and see what I can get from them. I didn't manage to understand what Opher had wrote: "use of 3-4 different sources of data based on the first ICAO letter" Which sources the NAVDATA site ? I don't mint gathering the information form different sources, after all the comp will do it for me (Once I teach it who to do that ;-) ) Thanks Erez
  6. HI, Anyone can direct me to a good ELAL B777 repaint for M$ FS2004 and the PSS B777 package Thanks Erz
  7. Hi, I need numerical data. What I already have is a widget that receives a list of ICAO codes from the user then load METAR and TAF data from NOAA then NOTAMS from the FAA and SIG MET maps from NOAA. What I need is to be able to send a list of ICAO IDs and receave numeric data which will enable me to display a chart of the runway (My chart not a JPEG) then mark each runway as VFR, CAT I, CAT III, closed ..... according to the METAR and TAF I already have. Thanks Erez
  8. Hi, I'm writing a small yahoo widget that displays current WX, NOTAMs and SIGMET data. As part of that widget I want to display airport runway and approach data like: length, TORA, LAT/LONG and Available approaches, minima for each approach etc. All that data used to be available in the DAFIF databases which as you know is not available anymore. I prefer to get that data as a web crevice if possible hence request that data from a server rather then download a DB. Is there a free or affordable service that provides that information? Thanks Erez
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