עבור לתוכן
Chris Bell

!Return to Misty Moorings Project

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!Return to Misty Moorings Project

(Few weeks ago i decided to take the challenge of compiling all RTMM Sceneries into one package (long overdue
I have completed the project successfully and had it tested thoroughly by HoverControl (eagle23) and me
Return to Misty Moorings Project

- 1
(Misty Moorings (2013
This is the main package; it includes all RTMM Locations to date; and is the base package

- 2
(Misty Moorings C.I.R.P (2013
Optional package; includes all Cambria Ice field Research Project (C.I.R.P) for Misty Moorings compiled into one

- 3
(Misty Moorings Boating (2013
Optional package; it includes all Cruise Routes & Trips for Misty Moorings compiled into one

- 4
(Misty Moorings Enhancements (2013
Optional package; includes all Air and Sea Traffic for Misty Moorings compiled into one

- 5
(Misty Moorings Extra (2013
Optional package; it includes PlanG maps and flight plans, maps for all RTMM starting locations, RTMM manuals

- 6
(Misty Moorings Textures (2013
- Optional package; includes all RTMM Textures
(these textures should to be implemented based on each users individual fleet and personal preferences)

With the acceptation to the first package that requires some configuration/mappings
All optional packages simply install by pasting and overwriting the existing folders
With no special configurations needed, these obviously add much more functionality
But are not required for the RTMM package to fully function

i have created a public Google Map with place marks for all RTMM locations across the region
The map also display’s coverage areas for different paid and free scenery packages needed for complete coverage

All sceneries were created and contributed by individual RTMM members
And should be credited for their creations and hard work

Support beyond basic issues/questions
Should be addressed through RTMM community

Return to Misty Moorings Project - File Repository
(There is a simple and short manual for the installation procedure inside the main package)

(Links have been temporarily removed ... we are just making sure things are ok, this is in response to the wishes of RTMM at this time.)

!Enjoy and Have a Safe Flight
(And don’t forget to thank the author/s)


למי שלא מכיר, Return to Misty Moorings היא קהילה וסוג של מועדון וירטואלי לטיסת Bush flying באיזור בריטיש קולומביה במערב קנדה.

טיסה ממסלולי מים, מסלולי עפר מאולתרים קצרים. פרוייקט הסינרים מהווה אתגר ניווטי להגיע ולמצוא את כל הנקודות ב-no where אי שם במעבה היער או במפרצים נסתרים.

מומלץ סינרי ORBX Pacific Fjord כתשתית לכל הסינרים.

המטוס הקלאסי לטיול באיזור Misty Mooring הוא הביבר הגרסא האמפיבית. מטוס חזק, הנ"ק ואמפיבי. אבל כל מטוס עם יכול הנ"ק יתאים גם לא אמפיבי אם מדלגים על אתרי מסלולי המים.

בעבר היה צורך ללקט את כל הסינרים שהוכנו ל-Misty Mooring.ויש הרבה, עבודה סיזיפית ומעצבנת.

הפרוייקט שהכין כריס חוסכת את כל העבודה ומקבלים במכה את מה שקיים, למרות שנוספים כל הזמן סינרים.

אחלה פרויקט. ופוטנציאל ניווט וטיול מהנה ומאתגר.

Tnx Chris


מומלץ לנסות למי שלא מכיר.


Thank's Muli

i assumed everyoe here know's about RTMM



Great Work

How is it compatible with the ORBX NA PFJ stuff

should it be placed above the insert point of FTX

Appreciate your work


Ty Moshe

It is compatible with ORBX, in fact you need ORBX NA PFJ for some sceneries to properly be represented

There are very simple instructions included with the main package

Return To Misty Moorings should be placed above > OZx, ORBX  PFJ, and Tongass fjords X

This should be the layering order




Tongass fjords X



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