Chris Bell פורסם מרץ 2, 2013 דיווח פורסם מרץ 2, 2013 (as most of you aware, im working on Israel VFR - HD Photo-Real LOD16 Project (iVFRThis started with intentions of making iVFR a free shared projectWhich i still intend to complete and share with our community for freeas im going through the project i'm coming to terms of its scopei did my best to make sure i can share the version im working on onlineUnfortunately i had to cut allot of corners to make it shareable onlineStarting from cutting out night and season variation imageryto compressing the files to come close to my goalWith every corner cut; I’m still expecting a final size of at least 10GBWhich will be a challenge to share as it is; online i can make a commercial version of uncompressed night/day and seasons variation up to LOD17 when availableBut i will not be able to make this version available online for obvious reasons it will be somewhere around 60-100GB I’d like to know what the community thinks -As it stands I wasn’t planning on supporting or updating the package other than basic fixes if needed upon releaseTaking the paid version route will allow for support, version updates with continues improvements and compatibility with current and future scenery packages etc your opinion matters and can make a differencePlease take a moment to let me know what you think by voting the poll I added to this thread TIA Chris Bell
Yogev Abergel פורסם מרץ 13, 2013 דיווח פורסם מרץ 13, 2013 If t he quality will be good I would buy it... Chris Bell הגיבו לזה 1
Chris Bell פורסם מרץ 13, 2013 מחבר דיווח פורסם מרץ 13, 2013 it can be this good Nir Portal, Asaf Katz, Joel Strikovsky וגם 1 אחר הגיבו לזה 4
Chris Bell פורסם מרץ 14, 2013 מחבר דיווח פורסם מרץ 14, 2013 same exact location for the image posted aboveseen from FSX with the current free iVFR hardly noticeable differences Click here to see location on Google maps
Chris Bell פורסם מרץ 21, 2013 מחבר דיווח פורסם מרץ 21, 2013 ?anyone wants to guess how much it cost to purchase professional imagery coverage for Israel @LOD17 amir friedland הגיבו לזה 1
Chris Bell פורסם מרץ 22, 2013 מחבר דיווח פורסם מרץ 22, 2013 dollars or shekels? yep that's dollars my friend