עבור לתוכן
Chris Bell


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This is something that has been bothering me for some time

Not sure what’s the root of this issue is; I thought it was my English


I post my videos and pics

For one main reason; which is – feedback

secondary is to get you all excite about what’s cooking


Im not talking about likes tag, or - wow this looks great feedback

Although these are nice; and motivate us developers to push it harder


Im looking for feedback; from you guys who live in Israel and see the terrain daily

…Too much green, too many buildings, missing here missing there etc


I can count on one hand the members who do care, maybe two

Which is a sad fact; in a community of over 2400 members!


This will eventually end up in your sim

why not take the time to help shape the future of the Israeli scenery


I hope this doesn't fall on deaf ears

Looking forward to hearing from you all







One other note to our Developer’s

I wanted to explain what im doing

As I don’t want development to stop


Im am processing GIS Data, this doesn’t affect any objects or textures developed

All im doing is using map data to tell Sim where to put what, sort of a placeholder

I can populate all of Israel with my files (I did), as they are paid professional GIS files of Israel

They accurately contain every little detail about each building or road or any terrain feature, what type it is where it is etc

When I populate these placeholders, they are there for autogen to place its objects

This doesn’t prevent or overwrite any custom developed objects


Pls feel free to ask any question




צריך עוד תמונות בשביל לתת פידבק. אגב, אני מבין שאין לזה קשר לפוטוריל שהוצאת או שהפוטוריל מתלבש על זה? מה זה בדיוק הקבצי GIS האלה? הם כוללים MESH?


עוד פרטים, עוד תמונות פיתוח ויהיה קל יותר להתייחס לעבודה המבורכת שאתה עושה פה.


Thank you Adi, i will post more pics and video's to help the process


GIS - Geographic information system

these are special files containing data about Geographic information

the data needs to be parsed then converted to usable information


just as an example the file i parsed for the lights you see was a 10 hour process

just to parse the little bit of data i needed from it

after that whole bunch of other processes have to come to place before the data is useable

if there's a mistake or the output wasn't satisfactory; guess what happens next


GIS data has nothing to do with Mesh


the files im making will work over any photoreal; as long as area features are called

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