עבור לתוכן
Adi Sahar

תחרות נחיתות נושאת פרסים בערוץ של FROOGLE

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בחור בריטי עם אחלה ערוץ ביו-טיוב. הוא גם עושה שידורים חיים.. זה ככה נהיה טרנד בזמן האחרון. האירוע קורה באחת לילה, זמן ישראל, הכי טוב להירשם לערוץ שלו וברגע שהשידור יתחיל, ישלח מייל שמודיע על כך: http://www.twitch.tv/frooglepete

כל הפרטים (אפשר לקרוא גם פה):


The A2A Simulations sponsored Landing Competition is nearly upon us. Tomorrow, Monday 16th September at 23:00 Zulu time, log on to http://Twitch.tv/frooglepete to find the information you need to get into the TeamSpeak server and from there, the game server.

The challenge is, on the surface at least, a simple one. You will take off from a runway, climb, half loop to fly back to where you started from, half loop once again, and then land. The winner will be the aircraft that makes the shortest legal landing. Now, ideally after the first half loop you would fly down the runway inverted, but some of the aircraft can't do that (Spitfires for example). Because of this, after that first half loop you will be allowed to roll yourself level. You do however still need to invert to perform the final half loop to line up for landing.

Naturally there are rules, and here they are.

1. You must fly a World War 2 Era monoplane Fighter. This is important. It must not be a biplane and it MUST be a fighter. So, although the Piper Cub saw military duty in World War 2, it was not a fighter. We're looking here for Spitfires, Hurricanes, Yak's, Mustangs - you get the idea right?

2. Your course must be runway heading, then reverse runway heading, then runway heading. If you turn more than 10 degrees at any point, you are disqualified. This competition's not for turning my friends. Loops and rolls ONLY.

3. Your landing must be legal. That means you have to land after the landing hatch lines. You must not drive into the grass, you can't slalom your way down the runway trying to bleed speed off in turns on the ground. You must come to a stop with all wheels on the ground, and you must not crash.

There's a certain spirit to the competition, as you can see. It's all about flair, style, and control. To that end, please stay within the spirit of the event. If you take off, loop and then fly out for a nice orderly 10 mile final, that's not in the spirit of the event is it, and your fellow competitors will get grumpy with you and as a result you'll probably be voted out of the running for winning. Also, don't cheat. We all know you can modify the .air files to make that Spitfire fly like Piper Cub, but really what's the point? You'll likely be spotted, and disqualified, then named and shamed in front of the entire interwebs. Do you really want your grandchildren to grow up with that kind of stigma attached to them forever?

Finally, bear in mind normal Froogle LiveStream rules apply. If you curse like a sailor, treat the other viewers or Froogle with disrespect and generally conduct yourself in a manner that in the real world would get you a mouth full of knuckles, you're going to be banned. Also, if you are already banned, then you can't enter either.

The winner of the competition will be able to choose ANY one aircraft from A2A Simulation's amazing catalog. Second and Third place will each receive a copy of A2A's amazing AccuFeel.

Once again, immense thanks are due to Digital ThemePark who have kindly offered the use of their community's Teamspeak server for the event and one of their FSX Servers.

Monday 16th September, 2300 Zulu. If you don't know what Zulu time means for you just ask Google "What time is it in Zulu Time".



תודה עדי! היה כיף מאוד!

זכיתי מקום שני מתוך שבעה משתתפים, וזכיתי בAccuFeel! :yahoo:  אני אמור לקבל אותו מחר, ואז אתן רשומות מהשינוי.


הלוואי ויהיו יותר תחרויות כאלו! :good:

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