Chris Bell
יקיר חטיבה-
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כל דבר שפורסם על-ידי Chris Bell
@Dolev Ravid i dont think i can create new pm's, whenever i try i get error message about my inbox being full and i should empty some, when i do i still get the same error, i probably have to delete allot of my PM's if my user quota shrunk; i dont want to lose these
all of you who are having trouble accessing iCVFR project sub forum, you need to change your VATSIM division association to the middle east and you will automatically gain access to that sub forum, before this association change is made by VATSIM first; VATSIM (note its not VATIL) permission will not allow you to see iCVFR sub forum!
Hi Erik, the idea behind the project was to inspire kids in Israel and open the doors to to aviation world by provide them a free environment they can fly in as they make their first steps into aviation world, the project was an donation to VATIL and should remain as VATIL exclusive resource, the project require help setting it up and further upkeep the guys here are all familiar with, having a central point of distribution as well as knowledge base has proven itself solid over the years now, the project is available to all; they just need to sign on to VATIL for a reason which i outlined few above, i know my decision may sound harsh it has good intentions behind it, FYI i am unable to send new PM's too atm only correspond via existing ones (its not full mailbox issue), we can continue this in private on our forums if you wish https://forums.chrisbelldesigns.com/
Hi Oliver you need to first change your VATSIM region to Middle East (you can change it back gain later); this may take few hours until servers sync once they have; when you login the sub section containing the project will be visible to you as well
happy to see you found your way home, welcome back Moshe
way to go Israel, keep rounding the troops
i think for powerful system this tweak will be less noticeable most of you who commented on this not working or unnoticed changes (i know some) have high end desktop systems i use a laptop many times to test where the tweak does show its colors, i think this is also NVidia related tweak
I’d like to invite our customers and friends to join our new dedicated Night Environment Community Forums at http://forums.nightenvironment.com this will be our main support hub from here on, for any support issues and help with our products; our customers have a home now
- night environment
- night
(ו5 נוספים)
תויג עם:
thank you for your service and contribution; and all the best on your current path
?a hobby of mine since i was a kid, any stamp collectors onboard
it would be a refreshing change to collaborate with far more advance individuals who are interested in expanding their exposure i think it comes down to; do we want to stay the big fish in a small pond; or become a small fish in a bigger pond
id like to comment on some of Ohad's pointers, I’m not sure if this your real opinion or simply advance speculations of possible scenarios ?if our current neighbors are non-cooperative; what’s the point in remaining where your options are limited !the option that someone will flip one day and turn anti-Semitic is not likely in today society! technically this scenario has the same odds of happening under either organizations i don’t think this paranoid approach is the right foot in, don’t get me wrong a healthy suspicious is a good thing; i just think in this situation you’re taking it way too far the move can be made in phases and always reserve the right to go back; no one said if we don’t like it there we have to stay ?i’m still collecting the detail that are still somewhat vogue to me; what’s there to gain from this move ; how does this affect our run of the mill pilots
it turned out to be my redirect-cleaner addon was blocking my login cookie from vatsim.net adding vatsim.net to whitelist solved the problem
you’re welcome Amit the competition doesn’t have to be limited to one event; you could make it an overall competition that runs a whole month (anyway the offer still stands if you will maintain a regular CVFR flights (preferably at night ,it sad not many pick up this challenge; it is easier to plugin IFR instructions then to challenge your VFR navigation skills !not everyone have the skills; let alone at night
סקר - העברת VATIL לאירופה ושינוי סטטוס מחטיבה ל VACC
Chris Bell replied to Amir Paz's topic in ראשי / General
speculating Is not the right answer; we need input from someone who made the transition and can attests first hand to the pros and cons -
?no pics
!i wanna see pics from that event (ill make it fun for you all, post single pic per post; from your night flight; max 3 pics from each user! (no edits after posting; min 5 participant let the guys vote for one month after the event closes, the most liked picture will win a free NE region of the winners choice good luck to you all
Thank you very much Niv and supporting team for your time and efforts !a much needed contribution to our community; much appreciated
Aerosoft Night Environment New York Independent Review (Published by Nels_Anderson (FlightSim.com Review Author: Justin Cogo In the above picture Manhattan is clearly visible, but can you notice something different about the scenery? Do some large parts of the scenery look much different than other parts? If you answered yes then you're correct! On the left New Jersey looks like default FSX scenery, but Manhattan and the rest of New York look somewhat more refined and colorful. New York State's night-scenery is updated with real topographic databases and using 3D-light modelling New York State's night scenery has been revolutionized! full review here - http://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/content.php?15825
- night environment
- night
(ו6 נוספים)
תויג עם:
well done everyone we each put in just a little; in the end we all have allot im proud to be part of such a nice group of caring individuals
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(ו3 נוספים)
תויג עם:
!Save 30% on all Aerosoft Night Environment product line
a topic הוסיף את ה Chris Bell ראשי / General
!!!Save 30% on all existing Night Environment product line Our entire product line for Night Environment v1.x is about to get a face lift with a brand NEW v1.7 !the new 1.7 version will include new enhancements and our new NE.X.Manager ;thanks to v1.7 redesigned architecture and NEXM ,further enhancements can be delivered to enrich night flying ,the new v1.7 and up line will also cost roughly 30% higher than current pricing ,the good news are; if you pick up your preferred region now ,the new v1.7 line will be a free upgrade for existing customers-
- night environment
- night
- (ו5 נוספים)
!Guy that is very generous of you to cover the whole bill on your own, Thank you on another note, i just checked VASIM policy in regards to commercial promotions ;i strongly believe you’ve interpreted this incorrectly; i don’t see anything mentioned about raising found to support the site activity furthermore; they stated that a written consent can be granted; i believe contacting and asking the right individual might help shade some light on how to interoperate this section from a non-individual prospective C. The use of VATSIM services in any manner other than as an individual user. No individual or entity is permitted to resell or make any commercial or non-commercial use of the VATSIM network which involves the payment of money or goods to said individual or entity or such party’s designee without the prior written consent of the VATSIM.net Founders or their designated agent. The prohibitions set forth in this paragraph expressly include any and all sales and/or solicitations of money, goods and services no matter for what purpose, person, group or cause, without limitation
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(ו3 נוספים)
תויג עם:
Yarden, i sugest too also find additional channels to finance the site not based on donation; but commercial interest setup few banner spaces and work on selling ads space and promo's through VATIL
- 12 תגובות
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(ו3 נוספים)
תויג עם:
Thank you very much for your contribution to VATIL and our community you did a great job; we are doing well today because of guys like you who care good luck where ever you go; we will always remember your contribution; and continue nurturing the seeds you’ve planed; just don’t be a stranger