עבור לתוכן

Aharon Dayan

חבר חטיבה
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כל דבר שפורסם על-ידי Aharon Dayan

  1. Thanks, Avi
  2. Shalom and greetings all my pals, I have an interesting question. I write lots of waypoints for lots of flights. What I would like to do is to write waypoints for one flight and have the waypoints imposed on Google style satellite map so that it would show the route where I can identify cities, streets, lakes, rivers, towns, and so on. Simbrief can do it but not on satellite map. It is on normal map in Simbrief which does not work for me because it does not show all names of cities, streets, lakes, rivers, towns, and so on. Do any of you know if there is such website that allows me to input waypoints and have the website show me the route on satellite map? Thanks for any assistance any of you might provide. Regards, Aharon
  3. Your guess is correct as I am using Windows 10 and to answer your question why I am still using FSX, it is because MS2020 is NOT NOT ready yet as it does NOT have plenty of planes and whatever the planes the MS2020 has are experiencing MORE computer bugs than you can find in real world 738 MAX plane. MS2020 is 2 years away from becoming as perfect and reliable as FSX. Hence me still using FSX which can continue for long time as long as there are many software companies still making new payware sceneries for FSX. Do you honestly want me to give up FSX if my FSX can do as seen on my screenshots below: Regards, Aharon
  4. @Or Bahtari, Shalom! Thank you for speedy reply. I thought VDG software company does NOT make sceneries for FSX??? Please advise?? Thanks, Aharon
  5. Shalom and greetings all my pals, I do not know which subforum of the Vatil forums I am supposed to post my question so here is on General Discussions subforum Did anybody or is anybody planning to make ller Ramon airport scenery for use of FSX, please?? No FSX is NOT dying. It is still going strong and will go strong for few more years until MS2020 is one hundred percent ready with all freeware and payware add on planes that you find on FSX or P3D!! Even payware scenery companies are still making sceneries for FSX too!! Thanks, Aharon
  6. @Itai Bentzion, Thanks but FS2004 Captain Sim707 liveries are not compatible with FSX Captain Sims 707. Also, this repainter has NOT indicated if this is for Captain Sim 707 or for HJG (Historic Jet Group) 707 Regards, Aharon
  7. Shalom and greetings all my pals, Does anybody know where I can find high quality superb crisp sharp El Al liveries for Captain Sims 707-300 series for use of FSX, please? I seem to be unable to find on avsim and flightsim websites but am wondering if any of you know some local Israeli websites that offer download of those particular liveries, please?? Thanks, Aharon
  8. sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff (wiping away tears) What about us FSX users?? We want it for FSX Regards, Aharon
  9. @shachaf yasurr, If it is you who is in charge of Vatil Discord, can you please see what you can do to fix my screenname?? My name is Aharon Dayan but whenever I am in Vatil Discord, I am always assigned to names of other persons. I am sure you do not want me to use other names that have authorized Vatsim controller ratings. Or you can activate option for Vatil Discord members to gain ability to correct screennames. Thanks, Aharon Dayan
  10. I finally got into VATIl Discord and everything is working well BUT two problems: the administrator of VATIl Discord gave me wrong name Yuval Gazit!!! I am Aharon Dayan. I cannot find function on Vatil Discord to correct the screenname The other problem is that I cannot post on General Text Chat unless you tell me it is only for Vatil Controllers but I can make posts on Flight Rooms Chat . Can the Vatil Discord moderator please see what he or she can do to correct my screenname?? Thanks, Aharon
  11. I had successful sign up and log in into Vatil Discord but when I am there, I see everything blank and it says I cannot post. Please advise?
  12. Shalom all my pals, I would like to take opportunity to let all of you the FSX users know that high quality payware software company Milviz is now offering for FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE their high quality payware add on F-15E Strike jet fighter that Israel Air Force is currently using in its fleet. Here is link for free download: https://milviz.com/flight/products/F15E/index.php BEAR IN MIND it is for FSX use only although clever people manage to use it for P3D Regards, Aharon
  13. @Eyal Rokach, Sorry to disappoint you but I did that and still got same invite invalid error message like my screenshot proof above. Regards, Aharon
  14. Is it for FSX please?
  15. Could not get in. Got a notice after logging properly into SSO the words "Discord Disinvite" Here is screenshot proof
  16. Shalom and greetings the management, Arkia has been flying 767s and are getting new A321s now. Are we allowed to use them now? Regards, Aharon
  17. But it is UNDER livery of EL AL. Boeing flew 3 days ago or so the new 787 with EL AL livery from KPAE to KMWH and back to test it before delivering it to EL AL. Regards, Aharon
  18. Shalom and greetings, I just discovered now that Boeing likes to fly testing flights on all finished produced new planes between KPAE Paine and KMWHGrant County International Airport landing there and taking off from there for return trip to KPAE before delivering the new planes to airllines. Boeing is doing that for new EL AL 787s Do you want to create round trip flight from KPAE to KMWH landing there and refueling there for return trip to KPAE for your next newly dellivered 787s to test them before accepting delivery? Thanks, Aharon
  19. Is it non stop ATC coverage from Sept 26 to 27? Regards, Aharon
  20. Anybody help me with this please? Maybe some Israeli flight sim website that I am not aware of?
  21. Shalom and greetings, Do any of you know where I can find new Arkia liveries for Feelthere E190, please? EL AL virtual has new and old Arkia liveries for E195 but not for E190. Anybody know please? Thanks, Aharon
  22. Any FeelThere E170/190 owners out there? Do you have any special advice or tip for me before I install that new payware addon plane into my laptop?? Can I skip FMC and fly it without FMC using GPS?
  23. Shalom and greetings all my pals!! Happy Jerusalem Day to all of you!! What is difference between FeelThere E170/190 and Wilco E170/190? In FeelThere website, 19 International airlines including official Embraer house livery and 76 McPhat Studios liveries (Deluxe Pack) are included. In various flight sim reseller websites, Wilco E170/190's McPhat liveries are NOT included. Is there difference in plane? Where do all of you usually buy E190s from? Regards, Aharon
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