Chris Bell פורסם מרץ 17, 2015 דיווח פורסם מרץ 17, 2015 by now this has been established and confirmed as a valid new tweak that improves performance significantly on P3D platform since no one brought it up here; i thought I’d bring it to everyone's attention This attempts to optimize multiple parts of a model by combining them into fewer meshes if possible If you have a complex model that is not already optimized to reduce draw calls etc, this will attempt to do that for you open your Prepar3D.cfg, find [sIM] section and add the following lines [sIM] OPTIMIZE_PARTS=1 [Weather] OPTIMIZE_DENSE_CLOUDS=1 above tweak were tested on my machine (Win7) with an avrage of 10FPS gain go test Joel Strikovsky, Niv Tesler וגם amir friedland הגיבו לזה 3
Gal Cohen פורסם מרץ 17, 2015 דיווח פורסם מרץ 17, 2015 Sound like instancing to me I'm really surprised no one saw this until now though , it should help mainly in cases which you have many duplicated objects without loosing too many performance , and even more surprised that P3D developers didn't enabled this by default From my experience , in Xplane though , this will help with creating a MUCH MORE denser scenery in terms of objects some cases even 2X more frames.
Chris Bell פורסם מרץ 17, 2015 מחבר דיווח פורסם מרץ 17, 2015 the official reason this wasn’t enabled by defaultLM found some issue with Win8 that causes P3D to crash when this tweak is enabledthey are looking for the fix to solve this; very nice breath of fresh FPS though for non-effected platforms
Asaf Katz פורסם מרץ 17, 2015 דיווח פורסם מרץ 17, 2015 yeah Ive heard about this fix, and it seems to be acually works.. do we have somehting like that for FSX too?
Chris Bell פורסם מרץ 17, 2015 מחבר דיווח פורסם מרץ 17, 2015 some reports suggests that OP will work in FSX as well from my tests, it didn’t and actually made things worse for me but some report suggest differently; to each his own I guess
Joel Strikovsky פורסם מרץ 18, 2015 דיווח פורסם מרץ 18, 2015 I was aware of this fix from day one. it wasn't brought in this forums as there are hardly if any P3D users here. in addition I personally saw no difference in performance in FSX nor in P3D with this settings, but yet heard of increase cases reports of CTD
Tal Asherov פורסם אוגוסט 8, 2015 דיווח פורסם אוגוסט 8, 2015 ניסיתי את זה ולא הצליח בכלל, לא העלה אפילו FPS אחד בודד. יש רעיון למה?
Joel Strikovsky פורסם אוגוסט 8, 2015 דיווח פורסם אוגוסט 8, 2015 זה לא עובד לכולם, רק לחלק. גם לי זה לא שיפר כלום.
Tal Asherov פורסם אוגוסט 8, 2015 דיווח פורסם אוגוסט 8, 2015 זה תלוי בחומרה או בדבר שניתן לשנות כמו הגדרות וכו'?
Chris Bell פורסם אוגוסט 9, 2015 מחבר דיווח פורסם אוגוסט 9, 2015 i think for powerful system this tweak will be less noticeable most of you who commented on this not working or unnoticed changes (i know some) have high end desktop systems i use a laptop many times to test where the tweak does show its colors, i think this is also NVidia related tweak